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Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Place Where You Are Standing…

Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Place Where You Are Standing…

  • An unique album depicting the most tragic chapter of the history of Auschwitz — the extermination of Jews
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An unique album depicting the most tragic chapter of the history of Auschwitz — the extermination of Jews. The book collates famous archive photographs depicting deported Jews which were taken by Germans in Auschwitz II-Birkenau in 1944 and became part of so-called Lili Jacob Album with contemporary photographs taken exactly at the same locations. The present-day photographs are not, and are not intended to be, faithful replicas of the historical photos. The aim was not this kind of experiment, but rather a way to drive home to visitors at the Auschwitz Memorial that all of this happened right here. The place where you are standing.

Tytuł Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Place Where You Are Standing…
Autor opr. Paweł Sawicki
ISBN 978-83-7704-140-6
Wydawnictwo PMAiB
Ilość stron
Rok wydania
Wymiary [cm]
23,5 x 19
Rodzaj okładki
Miejsca zagłady
Język wydania
Czas wysyłki
24 godziny
Paweł Sawicki
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