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Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death

Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death

  • As a child, the distinguished historian Otto Dov Kulka was sent first to the ghetto of Theresienstadt and then to Auschwitz.
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A memoir of astounding literary and emotional power, exploring the permanent and indelible marks left by a childhood spent in Auschwitz Winner of the JEWISH QUARTERLY WINGATE PRIZE 2014 Sent as a child first to the ghetto of Theresienstadt then on to Auschwitz, survivor Otto Dov Kulka spent a lifetime studying the Holocaust. In these illustrated deeply personal reflections he brings to shocking and moving life moments and fragments of memory he cannot forget. 'Fewer still will know that for a decade I made tape-recordings which allowed me to describe the images that well up in my memory and explore the remembrance of what in my private mythology is called "The Metropolis of Death", or in deceptive simplicity: 'Childhood Landscapes of Auschwitz".' Translated by Ralph Mandel.

Tytuł Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death
Autor Kulka Otto Dov
ISBN 9780718197025
Wydawnictwo Penguin Books
Ilość stron
Rok wydania
Wymiary [cm]
13.0 x 20.0
Rodzaj okładki
Miejsca zagłady
Język wydania
Czas wysyłki
24 godziny
Kod producenta
Sam Pivnik
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